SSB Interview Tips - How to Crack SSB Interview
Interview at SSBs is like a session of conversation is an easy and free environment. Normally, the IO breaks the ice and allows the candidate to do most of the talking. However, it’s better to keep a few points in mind in order to impress the board as a gentleman-
- Point One- No extra details are to be provided in CIQ. Give facts with the least preamble.
Example- If the IO asks you- Where were you born?
Answer 1- I was born in Agra.
Answer 2- Sir I was born in Agra, the place famous for the Taj Mahal.
Answer 3- I was born in the historic city of Agra that is home to one of the wonders of the world- the Taj Mahal.
Comment- Remember, the IO is seeking a fact i.e a place. Answer no 1 is meeting the purpose.
Answer 2 is providing an extra fact i.e. say the name of the place along with what it is famous for also. This might have been added to communicate the pride of the candidate but this pride is uncalled for.
Answer 3 adding yet another fact i.e. the context of wonders of the world. Two extra things have been added here.
It’s a fact that the IO wants you to do maximum talking. However, the control must appear in the hands of IO only. When you add extra facts or dimensions in an answer, it appears that you wish to take over control of the interview and the IO will least like it. Secondly, when you add extra facts, you run the risk of inviting the curiosity and attention of the IO. He might ask you questions from those areas and at times you might not have sufficient facts/knowledge/opinion. The mantra is- give precise and to-the-point facts.
- Point Two- Watch your mannerism. Avoid loud and repetitive mannerisms.
We have discussed what mannerism is. Interview, particularly the type of interview at SSBs (where the candidate is allowed to talk freely with ease and comfort) there exists a lot of scope of verbal mannerism. Unnecessary repetition of words or phrases, the narration of certain cliche etc will bring a barrier in communication. It is
better that you obtain the opinion of your well-wishers on your mannerism and start working on them well before you report for your SSB interview.
As I say this, I accept that this is not easy. There are three components of communication i.e. words, emotions, and body language. A lot of mannerism (both verbal and physical) comes into our habit when we learn how to add emotions while speaking. It needs a lot of conscious effort to get rid of mannerism because it has been added with a lot of practice. Remember, mannerism distracts the receiver. And hence, try to reduce mannerism.
Yes, while doing so, don’t become so stiff and robotic that you appear as a machine. A certain amount of mannerism is definitely tolerated for the sake of ease.
- Point Three- Sitting posture is important.
While sitting, occupy the full chair. Don’t sit too forward or on edges and don’t lean any side. Don’t cross your arms across your chest. Keep your hands close to your lap, don’t cross your fingers. Feet should also be kept open (and not crossed or one over the other). Toes should be flat on the ground. Practice sitting this way till the time you start getting an easy feeling.
And remember that smile adds to your face value
- Point Four- Take the questions with ease.
Keep looking into the eyes of the IO as he is talking and narrating your questions. Don’t shake your head in approval. Avoid giving subtle verbal reinforcements like ok, human, fine, right, I see, oh yes, etc unless the IO seeks your approval.
- Point Five- Don’t pretend.
You may find some question tough to answer. You might not have adequate knowledge, information or opinion to present. Facing such questions just accept your ignorance. Don’t pretend, don’t guess, don’t hide... Accept your ignorance. The IO will give you a further chance.
- Point Six-Be sober in criticism
Consider a question – What are the reasons for the backwardness of your region? There could be a number of factors including the poor governance and apathy of administration. Such facts are to be presented in the most sober and impersonal way. There is every opportunity to criticize the system or some individuals directly and rather bitterly. Avoid being bitter and personal. Some anger or show of emotion can
well be tolerated coz’ youth is idealistic and he is in the process of maturing. However, the social tact demands being kind, sober, and tolerant.
- Point Seven- Maintain calm when IO rejects your answers.
- IO- Suppose you have to appear for an important interview at Allahabad (assume you live in Delhi) the next day. You received the information rather late. Only 20 hours are left and no train reservation is available. How you will manage?
- Candidate- Sir- I will go by air.
- IO- Allahabad is a small airport and the only flight from Delhi reaches after the scheduled hour of the interview. Then?
- Candidate- Sir I will go by bus.
- IO- There is no direct bus from Delhi to Allahabad. What you will do now?
- Candidate- Sir I will go to the unreserved railway compartment.
- IO- But you have to go with your certificates. There is a risk of suitcase lifters and thieves in general compartments. Will that be a wise choice?
- Candidate- Sir, in that case, I will hire a taxi from Delhi to Allahabad.
- IO- Suppose due to some issues the taxi operators have gone on strike. Then?