Some Common Concerns Related To Interview
Interview technique is direct and personal. And because of this reason, it has many distinct advantages over other techniques. You can ‘explain’ certain facts at length on anything that you wish to be understood and if the IO demands so, you can present additional facts in order to support your point. If a fact wrongly presented in response to an earlier question (maybe due to play of memory), you can later revise your answer with an apology for a wrong/incomplete answer. However, since it is direct and personal, it leaves a lot of doubts and concerns in the minds of many candidates for the same reasons. Here we will discuss some of such concerns of SSB aspirants.
Drop-in Academic Performance
It is a fair observation that the academic performance shows a significant drop at the higher secondary stage when compared to class 10th results. There could be many reasons, both individual and environmental. But the fact is- that a significant drop in academic performance leaves a sense of hurt and guilt in any individual. And hence candidates feel uncomfortable to talk.
The irony of education is the toughest phase of education comes during the adolescent phase which is the toughest time of individual growth. Due to the strong undercurrent of physical, psychological and hormonal upheaval, many children find this phase difficult to manage. They generally get governed by peer group influence, start experimenting with their freedom that they have acquired at homes, get tempted by the gadgets like cell phones, computers and internet and due to these, chances of losing fixedness to aim happens easily.
The adolescent child is unstable emotionally. He gets attracted towards many superficial, insignificant and those matters that have an appeal till the time they are experienced. They are tempted to take a leap and get strayed.
It is also a fact that there happens a quantum jump in the syllabus from secondary to higher secondary level. At the secondary level, the syllabus is generally vast but lacks depth. At the higher secondary level, it becomes rather demanding due to its expanse and depth. It needs a ‘reconditioning’ of mind. In many cases, the teachers adopt methods that are unsuitable. The child initially avoids such subjects- and by the time he ‘awakens’ it becomes too difficult to catch up.
Secondary school education is a preparation for entrance into professional colleges. The entrance competitions are tough. A new trend of ‘professional guidance’ by coaching centres has caught up particularly in urban areas. The ambitious parents who can afford these coaching centres force children to attend these and convince them that the coaching is the only way to succeed. Most of the children find it difficult to strike a balance between academics and coachings. They get mentally and physically exhausted. Worst, all these leave no scope of fun, games or sports. And by being only academic-oriented, the child loses opportunities to develop many social qualities.
And to certain extent children too are responsible for this. They ignore the advice of teachers, parents, and well-wishers coz’ they find their ideas outdated. Many parents and teachers are not ‘gadget-savvy’. They least realize that modern gadgets have come into the lives of their parents at a very late. Parents and teachers have been educated through a different system of education. And due to this disparity, many children find the good words of their elders not worth listening. They realise the wisdom behind the words of their elders at a late stage though.
And one of the great factors to affect academic performance is the inappropriate strategy adopted by children. Some children are creative. They find it difficult to gulp down the things taught to them easily. Actually, creative children seek ‘conceptual clarity’. They don’t get satisfaction from the mere supply of information. Concepts are formed after observing a lot of examples of comparison and contrasts. Teachers don’t provide ample examples and exploration by self-efforts consumes a lot of time. The result- slow learning and constant complaint that- you are not performing according to your potential. Such comments do not enhance the performance of children. Rather, the self-esteem of the child takes a beating.
All said and done, it is important to know your take on the great magnitude of the drop in academic performance.
The first desirable step is the graceful acknowledgement that there was a noticeable drop. The next step after acceptance is how to manage the loss. The emotional hurt caused due to the mismatch between potential and performance is to be managed by a realization followed by a strategy to compensate for the loss. If the drop is attributable to slow uptake, lack of efforts or due to inadequate strategy it is possible to make up easily. Also, if there is the realization that it was the result of ‘getting carried away by the unwanted forces’ it is possible to pull back; mend ways and show effortful involvement in fresh priorities. In nutshell, if you took a lesson and came back on tracks, it’s absolutely fine.
What perhaps will not be appreciated is resorting to defence mechanisms. Consider the following answers on (being grilled by the IO regarding the drop in academic performance at Hr secondary level)-
- I fell ill during the examination.
- I hardly got the time due to continuous coaching classes.
- Marks hardly matter at the secondary level. What is important is getting through competitive tests for a good professional college.