Comprehensive Introductory Questions (CIQ) - SSB Interview

Comprehensive Introductory Questions (CIQ) - SSB Interview

Interview technique at SSBs relies on the input given by the candidate. In order to receive uninhibited and free-flowing input, it is essential that the candidate does most of the talking. The control of the IO should be reduced only to the level of punctuating the talk (to prevent the candidate from going astray). CIQ serves this purpose. In the CIQ the IO makes the candidate talk (and in a way gets a chance to verify and further explore also) on the facts related to his

Comprehensive Introductory Questions (CIQ) - SSB Interview

1. Work history (for those who are employed)- in that-

  • - Duties
  • - Likes and dislikes about the content of the job.
  • - Achievements, if any.
  • - Things not done according to organizational/own standards.
  • - Working conditions.
  • - Level of earning.
  • - Reasons for choosing/changing the job.
  • - Position in the organization (with reference to leadership experience).
  • - Overall job accomplishment/satisfaction.
  • - And other issues related to the job.

2. Education and Training- in that the IO will seek information regarding-

  • - Subjects you found easiest/toughest during schooling.
  • - Levels of achievements (grades/percentage/divisions obtained in exams).
  • - Equation with teachers.
  • - Participation in co and extra-curricular activities.
  • - Special achievement in academic and non-academic fields.
  • - Training beyond school- fields, contents, level (with reasons)
  • - How the education was financed?
  • - Overall accomplishment at the school level.

3. Early home background- in that the IO is interested in the following-

  • - Occupation and status of the father
  • - Temperament of parents and equation between them.
  • - No of siblings.
  • - Level of discipline at home and family values.
  • - Stage at which got financial independence.
  • - Other factors at home leave their influence on personality.

4. Spare time for interests, hobbies, and sports- in that the IO will cover-

  • - How do you utilize your spare time?
  • - Prominent interest, hobbies, and level of proficiency achieved.
  • - Preference for team games or individual games.
  • - Level of representation, whether utilized opportunities to participate.

5. Present social adjustment (for serving candidates) – and in that-

  • - Present interests and hobbies.
  • - Attitude towards others.
  • - Financial stability.
  • - Status of health (ability to put in sustained hard work)
  • Understanding the Contents of CIQ

The above-mentioned contents make the essential part of any complete interview at SSBs. However, it will not be fair to expect to appear in the same sequence always as they have been mentioned here. The IO may follow his own designed sequence. The point to understand is that the details sought regarding work history, education and training, home background and spare time activities are pure ‘facts’. These things have largely been mentioned in your PIQ. IO needs only

amplification on these points for two purposes. Firstly, he is in a position to relate and ‘verify’ these facts from the horse’s mouth.

It’s also a fact that the PIQs of many candidates do not contain objective facts especially with respect to the participation in non-academic activities, hobbies, and outstanding achievements. Reasons could be many. But the most prominent undesirable reason is the temptation for ‘impression management’. Candidates are tempted to win the favor of the Board by presenting inflated facts and distorted information. The IO, therefore, examines the genuineness of the impression that the candidate has created on his PIQ before proceeding further.

Work History- This is applicable only to candidates who are already in any job or vocation. If a person is already in some job then there must exist some reason for a change particularly in the case of civil to the military. Such a change must have sound reasons because civil and military jobs are incomparable in terms of salary, work conditions, organizational objectives, and ethos. The reason and level of motivation for every candidate (who is already in a job) have to convince the IO. Else, it will be taken only as a fancy, in certain cases only as an escape, and yet in certain cases only as evidence of being fickle-minded.


Bar counters at the officers’ messes can be the real source of fun and humor. Military officers generally know to hold their drink. However, some curious truths still spill over sometimes when there is a slur on the tongue. Some examples of reasons for joining the army heard on the bar counters-

* I joined just for two reasons- to enjoy drinks and to exercise.

* There are only two departments where there is no fire – one the fire department itself and the second is the air force!

* Military officers have beautiful wives!

* Outside only muck is there- thank God, here we are clean.

* There is a lot of money outside but where is the time to enjoy that money!

* I am the third generation officer in my family. I have never dreamt of being anything else!

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